• وبلاگ : salar
  • يادداشت : سالار
  • نظرات : 0 خصوصي ، 3 عمومي

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    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:

    Like many other indicators, the value of this indicator will vary according to the company"s stage and audience. However, the annual growth rate of 10-20% is generally considered appropriate. Although the growth of website traffic is a good indicator for tracking, but as a marketer, do not list it as your first index. Because an increase in visits does not necessarily mean an increase in revenue. Not all Web Traffic is created equally. Want real, human visitors to your site that have a propensity to buy? Buy Website Traffic today!

    Successful afflictions usually benefit from a variety of traffic sources. Your dependence on a traffic source will make your business more vulnerable. If you concentrate all your energy on one thing to increase your site traffic, you will be in trouble when conditions change. In addition, by limiting yourself to SEO and PPC, you will be deprived of a large amount of potential traffic. If you would like to know more about earning dollars in specialized courses. Want to be in the spotlight? Buy website traffic and let the light shine your business!

    + نوبهارت 
    سلامممم..ديدم هيچي نظر نداري خواستم از بي نظري در بياي..بدون ک عاشقتم و براي ب دست اوردنت هر کاري ميکنم..مرد هميشگي خودم.دوستت دارم و دلتنگتم..بازم بنويس ..عشق منيا..فعلا